About Me

3 months ...................................... adventure - explore - challenge

Sunday, 3 June 2012

The journey home and end of a chapter

A sad morning today, in that our trip is coming to an end, although there is a growing excitement in catching up with friends and family again. Can't believe where the last 8 weeks had gone!

We rose early and after an excellent breakfast, we headed off towards Calais, a trip that would take us out of Germany, through Holland, Belgium and then on to France. Thoughts of getting an earlier ferry were thwarted when we hit several long traffic jams, but thankfully after about 6 hours driving, we arrived bang on time for our ferry back to Dover and England.

2 hours later we arrived back in Canterbury to greet Rob's parents, for our first of two family welcome home get-togethers. We spent two lovely days with them in glorious sunshine and had our first English BBQ of the year.

On Tuesday 29th May, we embarked on our last few miles back to Surrey and finally after 3030 miles and just over 8 weeks, we arrived back where we set off at the end of March.

We've had a truly amazing journey, where we've met so many lovely people and learnt so much. It has shown us the joy to be experienced from travel and has teased us into someday heading off to other shores.