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3 months ...................................... adventure - explore - challenge

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

All packed up.

Last cup of English tea!
Lunchtime, and we have just packed up the car ready for our travels.  It is full to the brim.  The Holden-Fell's don't know how to travel light.  I just don't think we'll ever be cut out for backpacking unless we pull it around on a trailer rather than a rucky.  Anyway, we are heading off to Rob's Mum and Dad in Canterbury this afternoon as the first leg of our journey.  It gets us one tiny step closer  to Italy and a big step closer to Dover ferry port (if you put it into perspective).  So long sunny Surrey and so long the lovely Holdens.

1 comment:

  1. Loving the blogging guys! Will be impressed if you can keep us up to date - i will make an effort to keep commenting! I hope Canterbury is lovely! You will love Italy! Food is AMAZE-BALLS! People can be rude tho sonja! Just warning you ! Good luck driving out there !! Looking forward to all the thrills and spills!
